Silver State Baptist Youth Fellowship
Next North Rally
Feb. 21st - Calvary Baptist Temple
2420 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521
Start Time - 7:00pm
Meal to follow rally
Bible Quiz Chapters: Acts 1-2
Preacher: Pastor Jordan Hershberger
Next South Rally
Feb. 8th - Silver State Baptist Youth Camp
1254 N. Highway 67, Sedalia, CO 80135
Start Time - 10:00am
Meal to follow rally
Bible Quiz Chapters: Exodus 11-12
Theme: Saved By The Blood
Preacher: Pastor Bryce Johnson

March SSBYF South Rally Date:
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The March South Rally will be hosted by Penrose Baptist Church on Saturday, March 29th at 10am. More details will come as we get closer.
Download Updated 2024-25 SSBYF Schedule Below
North Rallies
- September 21st - First Baptist Church of Englewood
- October 18th - Elmwood Baptist Church
- November 15th - Tri-Town Baptist Church
- January 24th - Northside Baptist Church
- February 21st - Calvary Baptist Temple, Ft. Collins
- March 28th - Rocky Mountain Bible Baptist Church
- April 18th - Windsor Baptist Church
South Rallies
- September 21st - First Baptist Church of Englewood
- October 19th - Highlands Baptist Church
- November 15th - Fountain Independent Baptist Church
- January 25th - Lighthouse Baptist Church
- February 8th - Silver State Baptist Youth Camp
- March 29th - Penrose Baptist Church
- April 11th - Ellicott Baptist Church